Simple Physics Engine SPE Simplified Chinese

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phyar 2007-09-23 07:57:29 6
I\'m currently considering your physics engine for a commercial terrain engine. Does it work well on a large scale terrain? (~4M++ vertices, not all rendered at the same time of course..)
I think it will work for you, but initializing the whole terrain as one shape would take a long time, you must split your terrain into small quads. you can cantact me by the email on the bottom of the page if you are really interesting, and I can do some special optimizing for your purpose. Thanks.

marius 2007-09-22 23:08:54 5
I\'m currently considering your physics engine for a commercial terrain engine. Does it work well on a large scale terrain? (~4M++ vertices, not all rendered at the same time of course..)

phyar 2007-09-21 11:19:05 4
Have you thought about doing a managed C# version. There is a big hole in the market for managed physics engines, especially for XNA users.
Thanks for your reminder, I\'ll consider it.

on your home page it says, \\\"Carved by a cask mesh\\\", when i assume it should be \\\"Carved by a MASK mesh\\\"
Maybe it\'s not clear on the page, but you can say it in the demo, it\'s a cask, not a mask. Thanks.

Hello Kitty 2007-09-21 07:30:17 3
on your home page it says, \"Carved by a cask mesh\", when i assume it should be \"Carved by a MASK mesh\"

Michael Coles 2007-09-20 04:58:41 2
Have you thought about doing a managed C# version. There is a big hole in the market for managed physics engines, especially for XNA users.

phyar 2007-09-15 12:29:45 1
Meet any problems? or any questions? post it here!

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