Simple Physics Engine SPE Simplified Chinese

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phyar 2007-10-10 20:21:28 20
Is OS X or linux support available?
I plan to provide Linux edition in version 3.5, no near plan for OS X at present. Thanks.

Robin 2007-10-10 18:09:05 19
Is OS X or linux support available?

Pegas 2007-10-09 23:40:27 18
And any tutorial how to make charachter controler for control camera?

Pegas 2007-10-09 21:09:32 17
Hello. I'm sorry for my terrible english. I have a problem with SPE. Can you write sample special for me with my one model in format .x? SPE Failed if i load this model.

phyar 2007-10-05 10:48:06 16
Hello. I'm sorry for my terrible english, but what pappers is your engine based on? Or is it fully your invention? I've heard that it uses some kind position-based alghorithms, and Verlet integrator, but I'm not sure. Where could I read about technnical side of your engine?
In fact, I rarely read some papers although I collected many, what I read a lot is physics books and mathmatics books.
I don't think it's a matter what type of integration you use, I use simple Euler methed to do integration. Tri-mesh preprocess and collision detection is my own invention so you can not find any information in any papers. The solver I used in SPE is more like a constraint method, but I use a different form and I've done a lot modifications. I believe impulse-based, constraint-based or position-based are the same things in mathmatics while solving rigid body dynamics, but I just know a little about position-based method and maybe it is helpful while simulating clothes things.

Suslik[mipt] 2007-10-04 21:24:18 15
Hello. I\'m sorry for my terrible english, but what pappers is your engine based on? Or is it fully your invention? I\'ve heard that it uses some kind position-based alghorithms, and Verlet integrator, but I\'m not sure. Where could I read about technnical side of your engine?

phyar 2007-10-02 09:14:14 14
does SPE handle very large terrain meshes well? (600k to 10M tris) what sort of broadphase is used?
I just test 500*500(500k triangles) terrain and it works well. I\'ll optimize it to handle 1000*1000(2M triangles) terrain without performance reduction in the next release. I use a special spacial grid to accerate broad phase. Thanks.

t 2007-10-02 07:49:02 13
does SPE handle very large terrain meshes well? (600k to 10M tris) what sort of broadphase is used?

phyar 2007-09-29 08:20:00 12
Hi, is it possible to get a bodys rotation in a euler vector ?
Euler angle is not supported directly by SPE at present, you need to convert it yourself after you get the rotation matrix.

simon 2007-09-28 19:38:34 11
Hi, is it possible to get a bodys rotation in a euler vector ?

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