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phyar 2007-11-14 11:28:58 26
When I try to include the \"SPE.h\" header, I receive about 10 errors, all except 1 are \"[Warning] no newline at end of file\" regarding the other header files.

The other one is SPE_SDK_2.00[1]\\\\include\\\\SPEArray.h In member function `T& SPEArray<T>::pop()':

Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
What IDE are you using? Can you compile the tutorials in the SDK successfully? I afraid SPE does not support VS 6.0.

Matt 2007-11-14 02:04:29 25
When I try to include the \"SPE.h\" header, I receive about 10 errors, all except 1 are \"[Warning] no newline at end of file\" regarding the other header files.

The other one is SPE_SDK_2.00[1]\\include\\SPEArray.h In member function `T& SPEArray<T>::pop()':

Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

phyar 2007-11-12 13:40:03 24
It'd be really handy if we could query an object's momentum at a point, like the inverse of RigidBody::AddWorldImpulse.

Something like:
SPEVector RigidBody::GetWorldImpulse(SPEVector &pos), or ::GetTensor(void *pmat).

This could be used for calculating collision damage, or buoyancy forces against a boat, or friction against a ray-cast car wheel. Would this be possible in the next release?
OK, your suggestion is valuable and I'll add some interfaces related to these use in the next release.

Alex McLeod 2007-11-12 12:47:45 23
It'd be really handy if we could query an object's momentum at a point, like the inverse of RigidBody::AddWorldImpulse.

Something like:
SPEVector RigidBody::GetWorldImpulse(SPEVector &pos), or ::GetTensor(void *pmat).

This could be used for calculating collision damage, or buoyancy forces against a boat, or friction against a ray-cast car wheel. Would this be possible in the next release?

phyar 2007-11-08 13:54:40 22
Does SPEWorld::CastRay test against the whole mesh, or is a convex hull used? Collisions are working perfectly with concave meshes, but I'm getting erratic results from SPEWorld::CastRay with concave parts of the same meshes.
SPEWorld::CastRay was designed to test against the whole mesh, but I recently found a bug with this function, it has been fixed now but you need to wait for the next release. Thanks.

Alex McLeod 2007-11-08 12:39:17 21
Does SPEWorld::CastRay test against the whole mesh, or is a convex hull used? Collisions are working perfectly with concave meshes, but I'm getting erratic results from SPEWorld::CastRay with concave parts of the same meshes.

phyar 2007-10-10 20:21:28 20
Is OS X or linux support available?
I plan to provide Linux edition in version 3.5, no near plan for OS X at present. Thanks.

Robin 2007-10-10 18:09:05 19
Is OS X or linux support available?

Pegas 2007-10-09 23:40:27 18
And any tutorial how to make charachter controler for control camera?

Pegas 2007-10-09 21:09:32 17
Hello. I'm sorry for my terrible english. I have a problem with SPE. Can you write sample special for me with my one model in format .x? SPE Failed if i load this model.

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