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phyar 2008-02-20 09:19:32 47
I have one very simple question...
Will there be linux (GNU) support? My game engine is built for cross-compatibility so if it doesn't support Linux I can't use your product...
Yes, I have completed the porting, you can download the demo for Linux very soon.

Seniltai 2008-02-20 00:17:48 46
I have one very simple question...
Will there be linux (GNU) support? My game engine is built for cross-compatibility so if it doesn't support Linux I can't use your product...

phyar 2007-12-30 15:08:23 45
A simple #define SPE_VERSION 260 would do the trick.
OK, I'll add this macro in next release.

Would it be possible for you to expose the link as a generic 6DOF link that follows the COLLADA convention?
I'll try to implement this link using custom joint API in next release.

Finally, is it possible to have compound bodies? (A body with more than one shape?)
No plan to support this feature, you are forced to join all meshes together and create a single shape.

I have tried a cone mesh of radius 1, length 1, and it does not collide with anything.. are there any othere things I might be doing wrong?
You can send the mesh to my email(see the bottom of page) and I'll check for you.

aboeing 2007-12-30 14:29:51 44
Any triangluar mesh can me dynamic object. but if the mesh is too small or too thin(less than 0.05), the collision detection system may be not that well.
I have tried a cone mesh of radius 1, length 1, and it does not collide with anything.. are there any othere things I might be doing wrong?

I have tried both
virtual SPERESULT Initialize(BYTE *pVertex, int StrideSize, int *pIndex, int NumTriangles) = 0; // create a shape from Tri-Mesh, index is 32BIT
virtual SPERESULT Initialize(BYTE *pVertex, int StrideSize, int NumVertices) = 0; // create a convex hull by giving vertices

aboeing 2007-12-30 14:22:55 43
Currently no way to get the version of SDK, but tell me why do you need this function?
Two reasons:
1. In case you change the API so I can maintain backwards compatibility.
2. Easier to identify which version I'm using if I have multiple copies of the SDK on my PC.

A simple #define SPE_VERSION 260 would do the trick.

Thanks for your other replies, Im happy to hear the SDK will include those features in the next update. Would it be possible for you to expose the link as a generic 6DOF link that follows the COLLADA convention? (Body *parent, lBody *child, Matrix4x4 parentFrame, lMatrix4x4 childFrame, Vector3 linearLowerLimits, Vector3 linearUpperLimits, Vector3 angularLowerLimits,Vector3 angularUpperLimits)

Finally, is it possible to have compound bodies? (A body with more than one shape?)


phyar 2007-12-30 10:15:55 42
1. Is there a way to get the SDK version?
Currently no way to get the version of SDK, but tell me why do you need this function?
2. Is there a way to make a body go to sleep/ wake up?
ForceToSleep()/WakeUp() would be added in next release.
3. Do dynamic objects have to be convex? Is there a restriction on the format of the mesh?
Any triangluar mesh can me dynamic object. but if the mesh is too small or too thin(less than 0.05), the collision detection system may be not that well.
4. How do I simulate joints other than ball joints? (eg: revolute / prismatic joints?)
Ball joint is the only build-in joint type, you must built other joint yourself. In next release, I'll provide low access to the solver to make custom joints.
5. Is it possible to directly set fluid material properties such as viscosity, or can you only choose SPE_WATER and SPE_SMOKE?
While the fluid system is more stable, I'll provide interfaces to config other material properties.

aboeing 2007-12-30 03:56:09 41
SPE is easy to use - well done on a great SDK! Some questions:

1. Is there a way to get the SDK version?

2. Is there a way to make a body go to sleep/ wake up?

3. Do dynamic objects have to be convex? Is there a restriction on the format of the mesh?

4. How do I simulate joints other than ball joints? (eg: revolute / prismatic joints?)

5. Is it possible to directly set fluid material properties such as viscosity, or can you only choose SPE_WATER and SPE_SMOKE?


phyar 2007-12-10 10:28:58 40
Is there any way to get/set an object's centre of mass after its shape has been initialised? Take a bus or truck for example - its shape is a simple box, but its centre of gravity must be very low or it will overturn when going around a corner.
OK, set/get center of mass would be added in the next release.

Alex McLeod 2007-12-09 21:46:28 39
Nice work on version 2.6 - the new features are very welcome - especially the inertia tensor access.

Is there any way to get/set an object's centre of mass after its shape has been initialised? Take a bus or truck for example - its shape is a simple box, but its centre of gravity must be very low or it will overturn when going around a corner.

phyar 2007-12-05 20:12:44 38
Are there any plans of porting it to unix based systems like linux and osx? Is there a forum available?
I plan to port it to Linux after SPE 3.00 released, OSX is not planed, but that doesn't mean never to OSX. Forum is being preparing, available soon.

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