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Jeremy 2007-12-04 10:32:55 33
By shape case I mean take a shape, usually a primitive, such as a box, sphere, cylinder, and cast it like a ray. Basically it's a ray cast with a shape volume. AI commonly shape cast the bounding box of their vehicle along a desired direction to see if it is free of obstructions. Ray casts can't accomplish the same thing. In Havok, I would take the width and height of an object, give make it really thin, and then cast it forward to a position. It effectively does a swept collision, returning similar information as you would get back from a ray cast. If SPE doesn't support swept collision or similar I'm not sure how you could implement it. One could also use it to shape cast a players collision capsule/sphere/box down to get more accurate collisions than what a single raycast or even multiple raycasts could do. Hope that makes sense. Shape casting is basically sweeping a shape along a ray.

phyar 2007-12-04 10:03:44 32
I'm very interested in SPE due to it's thread supporting nature out of the box. I'm curious whether it supports batch shape casts and ray casts though. In Havok at work, we often create a big queue of raycasts or shapecasts and let it resolve on a seperate thread. This is used a ton for AI especially. Does SPE have similar functionality? In addition, batched queries are significantly cheaper, as they only do 1 broad phase for the entire batch(batches are most often used for close proximity tests). I'd be very interested in SPE if batched parallel queries were available. Is it planned?
Currently SPE use single thread to do ray cast, but these works are natural parallel task and easy to make it multi-threads. I'll add this functionality in the next release, remember your feedback or request is often a part of my plan. And could you tell me more about shape cast?

Jeremy 2007-12-03 23:05:08 31
I'm very interested in SPE due to it's thread supporting nature out of the box. I'm curious whether it supports batch shape casts and ray casts though. In Havok at work, we often create a big queue of raycasts or shapecasts and let it resolve on a seperate thread. This is used a ton for AI especially. Does SPE have similar functionality? In addition, batched queries are significantly cheaper, as they only do 1 broad phase for the entire batch(batches are most often used for close proximity tests). I'd be very interested in SPE if batched parallel queries were available. Is it planned?

Steven 2007-11-21 19:30:36 30
Hellow, phyar.
I guess, 'easy of use' is a first key-feature of SPE. And it's really easy to learn and use!
What are you think about 'destroyable physical environment' as a second key-feature of your engine? I have some experience and interest in this area.
Mail me, if you are interested:
dev <at>

Matt 2007-11-14 21:52:07 29
Thanks, it's now working. I really appreciate the physics engine and tutorial; helps amateurs like me get a grasp on this stuff.

phyar 2007-11-14 15:23:24 28
I'm using Dev-C/C++ from Bloodshed.

I only tried to compile the include statement for the SPE.h to see if it worked.
OK, to avoid warning, you can simplely press \"Enter\" several times at the end of the each file, to fix the other problem, you can delete two lines as follow:
// error(0);


Matt 2007-11-14 12:18:44 27
I'm using Dev-C/C++ from Bloodshed.

I only tried to compile the include statement for the SPE.h to see if it worked.

phyar 2007-11-14 11:28:58 26
When I try to include the \"SPE.h\" header, I receive about 10 errors, all except 1 are \"[Warning] no newline at end of file\" regarding the other header files.

The other one is SPE_SDK_2.00[1]\\\\include\\\\SPEArray.h In member function `T& SPEArray<T>::pop()':

Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
What IDE are you using? Can you compile the tutorials in the SDK successfully? I afraid SPE does not support VS 6.0.

Matt 2007-11-14 02:04:29 25
When I try to include the \"SPE.h\" header, I receive about 10 errors, all except 1 are \"[Warning] no newline at end of file\" regarding the other header files.

The other one is SPE_SDK_2.00[1]\\include\\SPEArray.h In member function `T& SPEArray<T>::pop()':

Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

phyar 2007-11-12 13:40:03 24
It'd be really handy if we could query an object's momentum at a point, like the inverse of RigidBody::AddWorldImpulse.

Something like:
SPEVector RigidBody::GetWorldImpulse(SPEVector &pos), or ::GetTensor(void *pmat).

This could be used for calculating collision damage, or buoyancy forces against a boat, or friction against a ray-cast car wheel. Would this be possible in the next release?
OK, your suggestion is valuable and I'll add some interfaces related to these use in the next release.

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